Invited paper: Do you see me? A call for anti-racism in coaching.
Session summary
We live in a racialized world we did not create nor, as coaches, desire. However moving beyond it requires an acknowledgement of what is and how it lives in us and how we relate to each other. This discussion will explore the call for coaching to move from a colour blind non-racist neutrality to committed anti-racism.
Charmaine has been working as a coach for over 20 years. As a coach she co-creates a space to support growth in psychological wellbeing, agency and social change.
She is an Association for Coaching Accredited Executive Coach, Coach and Leadership Supervisor, and a PhD researcher at Leeds Beckett university and a podcaster.
As a researcher, writer, and podcaster, she contributes thought leadership in the field of executive coaching through her focus on the ethics of coaching for social change in oppressive contexts. She is currently engaged in a ground-breaking global research project exploring the views of Black, Indigenous, and other coaches of colour about what the world of coaching needs to do to take and anti-racist approach. Coaching for equity and social justice is at the core of her approach.
She is the founder of a global community of practice The Philosopher’s Stone Collective, launched last year, designed to create a social justice eco-system of helping professionals exploring social justice and decoloniality across a wide field of human development practice. She coaches and supervises internationally across a number of sectors; private, non-profit and charity, including education where she is experienced at senior leadership, board and trustee level having enjoyed a 29-year career as an educator and advisor before becoming an executive coach. She is an Associate Consultant and Advisory Board member for CollectivEd a coaching and mentoring research hub and at Leeds Beckett University.
She is also Director of her own company, Lifeflowbalance Coaching and Consulting Ltd.