Case Study: Hope’s Journey: Integrating positive psychology and team coaching
Ivan Beaumont
For this case study, within Network Rail, we have integrated positive psychology coaching and associated interventions within a team coaching programme. This session will share the approach taken during the ‘initiating’ stages of the team coaching journey with Hope Theory used as the framework. This will include Team Engagement, Team Awareness (Discovery), Team Pathways and Team Agency sessions. One of the key outputs for the team is a Hope Map – the high-level journey from Hope to Shared Purpose (Flourishing).
This approach is informed by related theories such as Broaden & Build, Strengths, Wellbeing (PERMA), Flow and Self-Determination plus it utilises several positive psychology interventions (for example, relating to Kindness, Gratitude, Positive Self and accomplishment). These will be highlighted during the case study presentation.
The Team Awareness stage sets the baseline for the work through stakeholder input, measures of wellbeing (for example using PERMA), the articulation of a shared purpose and identification of development goals. Reflection and learning integration is a key part of the programme. The success of the programme is based on accomplishment (relative to the purpose), value creation and wellbeing measures.
The team coach and team leader will present.
Ivan Beaumont is a certified Executive Coach, Team Coach, and Coaching Supervisor. He has worked in the IT Industry for over 35 years and has been coaching (internally) for more than 20 years within large organisations. Ivan has specialised in People Leadership and Development since completing his MBA in 1995. Ivan’s obvious passion for coaching and people development led him to a Head of Coaching role before he became Director of Mélange Coaching (https://melangecoaching.co.uk/), a bespoke (external) coaching services provider. He now coaches full time.
Ivan completed the TCS Diploma in Team Coaching Mastery with the Team Coaching Studio in 2019 and continues to hone his own team coaching approach. Ivan’s character strengths, values and interests, explored through supervision (with Elaine Patterson) have led him back to positive psychology (which he first studied in 2004 with CIPD). He is now integrating many elements of Positive Psychology Coaching and its related interventions within team coaching programmes.