Chair: Liz Hall

Liz Hall is a leadership coach and mindfulness teacher. A journalist for many years, she’s the editor of Coaching at Work magazine, and the author of publications including Mindful Coaching (Kogan Page), Coach your team (Penguin Business), and author/editor of Coaching in times of crisis and transformation (Kogan Page), and numerous chapters in other books. Chapters include ‘Mindful Compassionate Coaching: an approach perfect for VUCA times’ in Mindfulness in Organisations: Foundations, Research and Applications (Cambridge University Press, 2015), ‘Mindfulness in Coaching’ in Mastery in Coaching: A Complete Psychological Toolkit for Advanced Coaching (Association for Coaching/Kogan Page, 2014 (Association for Coaching/Kogan Page, 2014) and ‘Compassion focused coaching’, with Palmer & Irons, in The Handbook of Coaching Psychology– Eds Palmer & Whybrow (Routledge, 2018).As a co-founder of the award-winning Coaching through Covid and Beyond, offering pro-bono coaching to NHS workers impacted by the pandemic, she helped create a trail-blazing organizational culture shaped by compassion, relational mindfulness, psychological safety, agility and open-ness to emergence. Liz is also a co-founder of the International Summit for Mindfulness and Compassion at Work, and speaks regularly on mindfulness and coaching at conferences. Clients include the NHS. She is a member of the Academy of Executive coaching’s faculty, teaching on mindfulness in coaching. She’s currently working on a book on relational mindfulness with Dr Emma Donaldson-Feilder.
Diana Tedoldi

TALK TITLE: Nature Coaching Foundations
MSc in Philosophy, Professional Certified Coach (PCC, member of the International Coach Federation) and founder of The Nature Coaching Academy, where I teach how to coach in synergy with nature (ACSTH-ICF accredited coaching training program). I dedicated the last 30+ years to exploring the different facets of the human-nature connection, developing a unique approach to personal growth and collective evolution that integrates embodiment, nature, contemplative practices and anthropology. I also studied Plant Intelligence (with the scientist Stefano Mancuso, graduating with a Master’s at the University of Florence in Italy), Biomimicry, Systems Thinking (Fritjof Capra), Neuroscience, Ecotherapy and Ecopsychology (graduating at the Pacifica Graduate Institute). My mission is to give people tools to reconnect with what I call our “primal intelligence”: the natural ability to orient ourselves in front of everyday challenges and to take care of life in every form, a capacity that we all have and that we share with all living beings.
James Farrell

TALK TITLE: Compassion through nature coaching
James is an environmentalist and coach with over 30 years experience in doing good things for nature and people.
He is Founding Partner at The Human Nature Partnership, a consultancy which is helping create nature connected organisations. He is also Director of The Natural Coaching Company, and works for a Government agency. James is co-author of ‘Being in Nature – 20 practices to help you flourish in a busy world’, and is a TEDx speaker. He spends as much time in the sea as possible.
Linda Aspey

TALK TITLE: Learning from the Oak Tree
Linda works with industry leaders and the coaching and therapy professions, supporting them to engage and respond to the climate, environmental and social crises facing us all. She also provides free Climate Cafes to the public and psychological and emotional support for climate activists. Alumna of the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership, a trained Carbon Ambassador, AOEC Certified Climate Coach, and Work that Reconnects facilitator, she’s a trainer and facilitator for the Climate Psychology Alliance. Linda is global faculty at Time to Think, a BACP accredited member and fellow, and a founding member of the Climate Coaching Alliance. She writes the climate change column for Coaching at Work and is co-editor of “Holding the Hope” (expected publication January 2023), a collection of essays by practitioners on their approaches to working therapeutically and regeneratively with clients and communities on climate change and all its complexities.
Sarah Flynn

TALK TITLE: Why nature feels unnatural: why we struggle to connect to the natural world
Sarah is a Research Psychologist, an ICF accredited coach (PCC), and a trained Organisation, Relationship and Systems coach. She applies psychologically grounded principles of change to help sustainability professionals to increase resilience and impact. Sarah is a founding member of Climate Change Coaches and co-author of the book, ‘Climate Change Coaching: The Power of Connection to Create Climate Action’ (McGraw-Hill OUP).
Sarah’s clients have included C40 Cities, Microsoft, Royal Bank of Canda, Legal and General, The British Red Cross, AxaXL, UCL, Imperial College London and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. She is an invited lecturer on the topic of ‘Authentic Resilience for Sustainability Leaders’ at the University of Cambridge (CISL).
Stephen Palmer & Siobhain O’Riordan

TALK TITLE: From opportunistic research to a deeper dive into walk and talk coaching with nature in green and blue space
Dr Siobhain O’Riordan PhD CSci CPsychol FISCP MIHPE Hon is Chartered Scientist and Chartered Coaching Psychologist. She has full divisional membership of the British Psychological Society (BPS) Division of Academics, Researchers and Teachers in Psychology (DARTP) and is a member of the BPS Psychobiology Section. She is Course Co-Director on the stress management and coaching programmes and a trainer at the Centre for Coaching. She is an Honorary Member of the Institute for Health Promotion and Education, Fellow of the International Society for Coaching Psychology and Accredited Coaching Psychologist and Supervisor. From 2013-2015 she was Editor of the International Journal of Health Promotion & Education. Currently, she is Founder Chair of the International Society for Coaching Psychology, Editor of the International Journal of Coaching Psychology, Consulting Editor of The Coaching Psychologist and Editor of Coaching Psychology International. Her other roles include supervising doctorate students at the Wales Academy for Professional Practice and Research, University of Wales Trinity Saint David where she is a Research Fellow. She is also a Director of the International Academy for Professional Development Ltd. She has published research and practice papers and her latest book is Introduction to Coaching Psychology (2021, with Palmer).
Professor Stephen Palmer PhD CBiol CPsychol CSci CPsychol is a Chartered Scientist, Chartered Biologist and Chartered Coaching Psychologist. He is President and Fellow of the International Society for Coaching Psychology, Vice President and Honorary Fellow of the Institute for Health Promotion and Education, former President and Honorary Fellow of the Association for Coaching. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Leadership and Management and Royal Society of Biology. He is Consulting Editor of the International Journal of Health Promotion & Education, Editor of the Journal of Ecopsychology, and Executive Editor of the International Journal of Coaching Psychology. He has written/edited 60 books including the Handbook of Coaching Psychology (with Whybrow). His academic posts include being Professor of Practice at the Wales Academy for Professional Practice and Research, University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD), and Adjunct Professor of Coaching Psychology, Aalborg University, Denmark. He is a Director of Studies and supervisor of PhD students at UWTSD. Stephen is a Director and Publisher of Coaching at Work Ltd.