Keynote: Optimising Health and Wellbeing through Positive Psychology Coaching
Prof Christian van Nieuwerburgh
In this presentation, Christian will present the theoretical case for integrating positive psychology into coaching practice. He will argue that the integration is essential if we are to work towards ways of working that promote health and wellbeing. Some of the latest thinking about Positive Psychology Coaching (PPC) will shared before participants are asked to reflect on their own practice. Participants will then explore ways of integrating positive psychology approaches into their conversations. Christian will raise questions about the wellbeing of coaches and conclude by sharing some practical ideas for enhancing coaching practice and investing in personal wellbeing.
Christian van Nieuwerburgh is Professor of Coaching and Positive Psychology at the Centre for Positive Psychology and Health of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Global Director of Growth Coaching International which provides coach training, consultancy and leadership coaching to the education sector, and an Honorary Fellow with the Centre for Wellbeing Science of the Melbourne Graduate School of Education at the University of Melbourne. He is passionate about the integration of coaching and positive psychology to support personal, organisational and societal development and wellbeing. Christian is the author of a number of books including An Introduction to Coaching Skills (now in its 3rd edition) and has published numerous journal articles on coaching and positive psychology. In his free time, Christian likes to spend time with his family and ride his motorcycle.