Conference Chair
Liz Hall
Liz Hall is the co-owner & founding editor of Coaching at Work, an award-winning journalist & leadership coach, & a mindfulness & compassion teacher and consultant, with clients including the NHS. Books include Coach your Team (Penguin, 2019), Mindful Coaching (Kogan Page, 2013) & Coaching in Times of Crisis and Transformation (with others, Kogan Page, 2015). She’s contributed numerous book chapters, and co-authored ‘Compassion Focused Coaching’ (with Irons & Palmer, Handbook of Coaching Psychology, Routledge, 2019). Passionate about taking care of living beings and planet, she co-founded not-for-profit Coaching through Covid, has hosted for two Climate Coaching Alliance events, launched Climate Coaching Action Day in 2019, is a vegan and has a growing number of rescue animals. Email: www.lizhallcoaching.com