Masterclass: In Recovery – coaching and accompanying leaders (leadership) and their organisations through vulnerable times
Masterclass: Dr Anthony Kasozi
Date: Wednesday 25th November 2020
Venue: Online Zoom Platform
Timings: 10.00 to 13.00
Booking: Online Booking
Masterclass Outline
2020 will stand out as the year in which humanity was collectively challenged and shaken by the multiple shocks of a pandemic, social unrest, economic downturn, and widespread loss of life and livelihoods. Now looking to the future, leaders everywhere are being challenged to support, to enable and to guide, recovery, and rejuvenation for individuals, in organisations, and across communities. Those that coach and support leaders at all levels are now being similarly challenged to step up and to be of use and assistance in this endeavour. This masterclass is offered as an acknowledgement of this need and to support this necessary effort.
Masterclass Aims and Objectives
The masterclass is aimed at those interested in deepening and strengthening their abilities, skilfully, to accompany leaders’ and organisations’ recovery.
The masterclass focuses primarily on understanding, skills, and practices of leadership and organisational coaching as they relate to accompaniment in and through vulnerability. It addresses how coaches may best support people in organisations and other working /professional communities that are recovering from disruption and uncertainty. It covers the skills and practicalities of assisting those with who want to “re-harness” or “re-start” themselves and those they lead, and in doing so also seize the opportunities to create new, better, shared, and valued futures for themselves and their organisations / communities.
Masterclass Content
In this guided interactive Masterclass, participants will have the opportunity to relate their own questions and experiences to the insights and inputs offered. This will be done through a series of input, reflection, and discussion topics – each ending with a “pooling” of insights gained or lessons learned. The masterclass will address:
• The realities of working as a coach that is accompanying leaders/leadership in the uncharted aftermaths of fundamentally life changing experiences
• The challenges that leaders and organisations face when “in recovery” – what this entails for them in and through difficult times
• How we as coaches might best support the leaders we coach and the organisations we are involved with – through the experiences of “recovery”
• Where leaders can really add value (through what they do and how they are)– and what matters for leaders and organisations
• The limitations and vulnerabilities that leaders (and their coaches) face – and what is needed to accompany leaders while being aware of and “navigating” these
Dr Anthony Kasozi was born in East Africa, educated in Africa and Europe, and has coached, consulted, and worked with managers and leaders from and in Africa, America, Europe, and Asia.
Educated in international relations, language, economics and finance, he is an experienced accredited executive coach, a mentor and tutor, a convenor and facilitator and an organization development and management consultant, Anthony has a keen and active interest in the roles organizations and leaders in science and public service play in shaping responses to educational, community, developmental, health and change challenges facing us in a world with growing populations, resource constraints and fast changing technologies. Anthony is married with close family in Europe and Africa.