Moving the needle on Coaching
Katherine Chowdry & Salma Shah
Coaching is powerful and leadership styles are now increasingly more coaching-led. It is only natural that we need to open up coaching to a wider pool of people. ‘Moving the needle on coaching’ is a case study of British Transport Police’s visionary leadership as early adopters of Mastering Your Power Coach Training. A pioneering coach training programme designed with a wider systemic lens on diversity and inclusion. A diverse group of coaches can propel cultural transformation, provide strong role models and inspire others. Helping the overall agenda of inclusion, equality and progression. We will be examining the triumphs and the lessons learnt along the way.
Katherine Chowdry is talent manager at the British Transport Police (BTP). She’s worked for the BTP since 2007 and is a qualified coach, coach trainer and coach supervisor. Since 2015 Katherine has been leading coaching and mentoring at the BTP and has successfully championed and integrated coaching as a key element of culture change. Within her current role she is leading the talent team in the re-design of BTP’s approach to performance reviews and talent management; supporting the organisation to engage in strengths- based conversations and promoting a culture of coaching.
Katherine is passionate and committed to promoting inclusion and diversity and is the current chair for the BTP’s Association of Muslim Police. Recognising the importance of diversity in coaching, Katherine was an early adopter of the well received Mastering your Power Coach Training. She is working closely with Salma Shah to increase diversity and inclusion amongst the coaching profession.
Interested? Then read Katherine’s Profile article published in the Coaching at Work magazine.